What is Spiritual Strength?
Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness (Col. 1:11 KJV)

Spiritual strength is the ability to do spiritual things or the capacity to function spiritually in a particular way. For example, it takes spiritual strength to love people the way God has commanded.
Growing up as a Pentecostal, as I have shared multiple times, my idea about God’s power was almost only focused on miracles. However, God’s power operates in us in different ways, including spiritual strength and miracle-working ability. My eyes opened to the mysteries of God’s power at work in us the day the Spirit made me understand from the scriptures the difference between miracle-working ability and spiritual strength.
We would easily understand spiritual strength by considering physical strength. You are reading this devotional because you have the capacity to see letters with your eyes. Furthermore, you can move your body the way you want because you have the ability to do so. Physical strength is the ability to function physically, and the muscle is the seat of this bodily strength.
Like physical strength, spiritual strength has its seat in our hearts. It is the ability to operate in spiritual things such as loving people, being anxious for nothing or joyful amid trouble, understanding the scriptures, believing God, etc. Also, it takes spiritual strength to read the Bible, overcome sin, subdue lust, subject addiction, etc. Indeed, the Christian life is not by might nor by power but by His Spirit.
Paul prayed that the Ephesians would be strengthened with might in their hearts. Contrary to what many of us often imagine, this verse is not referring to miracle-working ability but spiritual strength to be and live the way God has commanded.
Read more: The Word of God is one of the most important tools to build up spiritual strength. It builds spiritual strength in your heart as food builds physical strength in your body. The Reading Through the Bible Guide is out. Get your FREE copy today and prepare to build spiritual muscles!
What is the difference between spiritual strength and miracle-working ability?
Without the power of the Holy Spirit enabling us from within to function in the things of God, Christianity will be a life of endless struggles, frustrations, and disappointments. Spiritual strength is critical, so be strengthened with might by His Spirit in your inner man.
Please join Paul and pray Ephesians 3:16 for you and those around you now.
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Strengthened with Might by His Spirit in the Inner Man.
The Importance of Spiritual Strength
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