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Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing
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  1. Hi pastor, thank you for your devotionals and the word you have been sowing in us. My question is, how do you keep your mind stayed upon God without being distracted from what is going on around you. Thank you.

    1. Hello Anita, great question. I guess you are asking with respect to the devotional “Feel the Love of Jesus” Jude 20 in the Amplified Bible gives us a good exhortation “Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God”… (Jude 21 AMP). The Lord wants you to keep yourself in the love of God. In essence, it means it should fill your heart always and as a consequence guard the way you speak and act. The excellent question you are asking is how to allow our emotions to experience the love of God. Let me use this scripture to explain how you can do this
      “My heart was hot within me. While I was musing, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:” (Psalm 39:3 AMP)
      The Psalmist said when he was musing or thinking about it, the fire burned. What does that mean? As he was thinking about an issue he was facing, the fire in him, the emotional distress he was dealing with grew worse. In other words, his emotions responded to what was in his mind. To make it more practical for us. We know those times when someone has offended us and the wound is still fresh in our hearts. Remember what happens when we think about the person or the situation? What happens to the pain or anger in our hearts? It gets worse! It is almost as if a fan blew and set the flames of the emotions ablaze! The key to setting your emotions is to think about the love of Jesus for you. I have developed this habit and I am still growing in it and I just cannot stop. I consciously think about how much He loves me many times in the day and see things He does for me in the light of His love. AS I do, sometimes I smile to myself( emotions of joy) and feel assured and safe. I feel unpressured to make Him love me. It is just a wonderful experience and would recommend you start taking baby steps to keep your mind on Christ’s love for you as an individual and let it stir up joy, assurance, etc. Blessings

    1. Hello Anita,
      Thank you for reaching out with that good question. The next time you see anyone around you with whatever need, think about how they are feeling and how you would feel in their place. I would suggest you try that and feel free to share with me what happened to you. It is this simple. Once you allow yourself to feel the pain of others,compassion will fill your heart and you will do something to relieve that suffering if you can. This is loving your neighbor as yourself!
      I thank the Lord for putting that desire in your heart.

  2. Blessings upon blessings Doc this is amazing my God continue to shine his light on you sir thanks .

  3. Hi Patrick
    Is there any way to stop a sermon and resume it the next day? I’m finding I have to start the sermon from the beginning.

    1. Hi Robert,
      Thank you for reaching out with that question. There is no way to pause and resume as such. I will make of that and see if it can be done with our current system in place. Blessings. Patrick

  4. Greetings

    Finally app is up and running.

    Would be a good feature if Glory and Grace can have Push Notification for Live Bible Study.

    1. Yes indeed, great idea! Yes, push notification have been set up and we are working on integrating them and using for the Live bible study notifications.

    1. Praise the Lord Pastor Jonathan for the glorious working of His Spirit that gives what the Word to share in this ministry for the building of His people. I am glad the Lord brought you to our site to partake of His Word with us! Blessings!

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