Redemption through His blood

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14 KJV)

egypt holding israel in bondage showing a man in handcuffs

We have redemption in Christ. Paul contextualizes redemption in the New Testament in the verse above. He begins by noting we have been redeemed through the blood of Christ. He further clarifies the details or meaning of the redemption he just mentioned by stating “even the forgiveness of sins”. He identifies the critical components of redemption for us.

A classic example of redemption in the Old Testament is Israel’s redemption from the slavery of the Egyptians. Redemption is taking ownership or possession of something or someone from a previous owner with or without a redemption price. Our previous “owner” or lord was sin. We were held in slavery to sin, did whatever it wanted, and then suffer the consequences of death in all its forms from physical, spiritual, and eternal death. 

Christ freed us from the bondage and control of sin and took us to be His own possession. He did this through His blood, which is the redemption price. Forgiveness of sins is not only a divine pardon but includes our liberation from its bondage and control. This process, by which Christ released us from the suffering and bondage of sins with all that is associated with it including death, Satanic handgrip and God’s wrath, and made us His own with all that is associated with Christ as our Lord is what our redemption in Christ entails.

We have been redeemed. Our freedom is here.


What is the meaning of redemption in Christ? Can you speak out loud the words in our verse above to yourself again and again as you digest its meaning? 


A fundamental change that follows redemption is a change in ownership, lordship and experience. When Christ is Lord, there is freedom. Bondage of any kind, including to sin, satan, destructive habits etc are not from God. Christ has redeemed you. Enjoy redemption as the redeemed of the Lord.


Thank the Lord for the blessing of redeeming you from sin, Satan and every form of bondage. 

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