Understanding the Holy Spirit

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 2:11 KJV).

Understanding who the Holy Spirit is

Understanding the Holy Spirit can only come from divine illumination, a revelation by the light of His Word. Even the Church has struggled to teach the tangible reality of the trinity, and the Holy Spirit, in recent years. An understanding of the trinity, and the term “spirit”, will deepen   your understating of the Holy Spirit.

The best illustration of the mystery of the trinity is man- created as spirit, soul, and body, yet one being. So is the Godhead, one God, in three Persons- Father, Word, and Spirit. God, who is a spirit, (John 4:24) also has a Spirit! Notice how the scripture above compares the spirit of man with the Spirit of God.

When speaking of living things, “spirit” is defined as “the animating force of a person or deity”(1). The spirit inside you animates the life of your soul, and your body. It exerts its influence over the soul and body as a force, but it is so much more. It is the real being, the person. Man is really a spirit, living in a body, through the soul. The spirit is the real man.

This is the idea the Church has recently struggled with most: The Holy Spirit sometimes operates in our lives as a force, but He is not a force. He is a Person, with a mind, will, and even feelings! He is God Almighty Himself.


Can you picture the Holy Spirit as a living Being, a Person? That means He talks and listens! He wants to relate with you as a Person. The Holy Spirit is God Himself, living and walking in you.


Start talking with the Holy Spirit today as you would talk to Jesus if He was physically here with you!


Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to see who He really is, as God Almighty Himself!

Faithlife Corporation. (2017). spirit (Version 7.9 SR-1) [Computer software]. Logos Bible Software Bible Sense Lexicon. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife Corporation. Retrieved from https://ref.ly/logos4/Senses?KeyId=ws.spirit.n.01

Recommended Read: What is the Human Spirit? 

Foundational Article: What is the daily devotional? 

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  1. Praise the Lord Linda! I am seeing this beautiful comment about your expereince there close to 2 months later! Thankful I found it. May His glory continue to overyshaddow you!

  2. After napping on the sofa I woke up to this after 10pm. Great read about the Holy Spirit the One who woke me up just to read this. He is so powerful and loving. I’m in such a prayerful mood now
    His presence is felt from just reading about HIM. KEEP writing and I will keep reading. Thanks
    Linda Casraiss

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