How to Receive Grace

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8 KJV) 

God gives grace, and we receive it from Him as a gift. Both the giving and receiving of grace have to occur for the spiritual transaction to be complete. Besides, there is a subtle metaphor in this idea that considers grace as a gift God gives us, and we stretch our hands to receive. What are the spiritual hands that receive grace from God? 

Faith is the hand that receives God’s grace as a gift. The only thing you need to do to receive grace from God is to believe in Him and accept what He gives, such as salvation in Ephesians 2:8. 

Because we receive grace simply by believing, it is similarly so easy for us to reject it. Two principal reasons hinder us from receiving from God: unbelief and works. If we do not believe, we will not receive — this is straightforward. Similarly, since grace is God’s unmerited favor, we disqualify ourselves from receiving when we try to work for what He has freely given to us. I have observed from the scriptures and our Christian experiences that legalism is the worst enemy of grace. If you doubt this truth, think of those who opposed Jesus or Apostle Paul the most — not sinners, but God’s people zealous for the law

So receiving grace is by believing, and unbelief or our efforts (works) hinder us from receiving.

Read more: Believing is receiving.

How did you receive salvation from God? Did God change His method of giving to us after we become saved?

Salvation is grace, just as healing, the gift of the Holy Spirit, joy, or prosperity. Grace is grace, and it will always be received by faith. Therefore, endeavor to receive this crucial truth as a child because God hung all Christianity on it. 

Ask the Father to help your heart become so soft that you efficiently receive grace and not complicate it by your efforts. 

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