I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16 KJV)

Shame image showing a woman learning on the wall in shame

Paul, the Apostle, spoke the words above to the Christians in Rome. He had planned to visit them and was looking forward to a time of impartation. He knew he had the Gospel entrusted to him. He boldly declared he was not ashamed to speak the Gospel of Christ, and he goes further to give us the reason why: the Gospel is the power of God to save those who believe.

Circumstances, whether by persecution or mockery, often pressure us to be ashamed of Christ or the Gospel. Peter never knew he could deny Christ until he abruptly came under an awkward and challenging situation. Do not be ashamed of Christ and the Gospel. Shame is a distressful feeling of knowing something is wrong with us or something about us or our actions. The Gospel is the power of God to save people from hell and transform men’s hearts and lives. 

If Satan, through the world’s systems, can make us ashamed of who we are or what we have, then he will succeed in putting out the light of God on earth. We are the answer to the crisis of the world. There is glory, not shame, in who you are in Christ or the Gospel. Do not allow the world to convince you otherwise.


What are some of the reasons why people become ashamed of the Gospel? Have you ever felt timid or ashamed of identifying yourself as a Christian amongst friends or your workplace?


There is no question we are living in a world that is hostile and antagonistic to Christ. We need the power of the Spirit to stand and be bold with the Gospel. Do not be ashamed of Christ or the Gospel. Instead, be bold in the Lord!


Ask the Spirit for the strength to not be ashamed of the Gospel. 

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