Be Still and Know that I am God

 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth (Ps. 46:10 KJV)

This is God’s end-of-year message to you: “Be still, and know that I am God”. What does this mean? And most importantly, why would the Lord tell us to be still?

The instruction “be still”  literally means to stop all movements. There are different types of moves. We are all familiar with the actions of the body or its parts. This is not the kind of movement the Lord is talking about here. His concern is the movements of the soul and the spirit. Fear, worry and anxiety are negative movements of the soul and spirit the Lord is concerned about. These movements are triggered by the things that happen in our individual lives or the world at large. For example, this week, there was turmoil in the US economy. Some of you might have come head-on with health challenges that put your emotions on a marathon of fears and worries. Maybe you heard some report from your boss that has kept your feelings running so fast with fear that the breaks of your heart have stopped working.

The Lord says “be sill.” Stop the movements and restlessness inside. Know that He is God. He is still in charge. And most importantly, it is when you stop the movements inside that He moves! This is VERY IMPORTANT to understand.  When you hold your peace, the Lord fights your battles ( Exo. 14:14).  Being still in the midst of trouble is not a denial of physical reality. It is faith in God. If you want to experience divine presence and victory from one level of glory to another, learn to be still spiritually. Anxieties and worries are hurting us more than many of us realize. They keep God aside while we continue to suffer with whatever is causing the anxiety in the first place. You have to decide to either be in charge of your life or let God be in control and handle the cares. He longs to move in your life, but before He does, you must stop moving! Be still, and know that He is God!


Please take a moment to think through the verse above, word after word. Then say those words aloud.  I am not asking you to be crazy, but rather showing you how to get the Word to take hold of your heart!


What would you do? Would you be still and enjoy divine rest while God works or  will you continue moving in your soul and spirit and fight your battles alone? Heed the Word. Be still, and let Him do His thing in your life as God!


Ask the Lord to help you develop spiritual strength to take control of your emotions and thoughts and bring them under the lordship of Christ. 

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