Christ, the glory of God

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof (Revelation 21:23 KJV)

Christ revealed God’s glory while on earth. But there is more. He did not just reveal God’s glory. He is that glory. John, the beloved disciple, had a remarkable revelation of who Jesus is, as the Word and the Light. This revelation is the mystery revealed in John 1. John goes further in the book of revelation to elaborate on Christ as the glory of God.

He saw the new Jerusalem, a beautiful city made of gold coming down from heaven. This city is not a physical geographical area. It is symbolic of God’s people. However, when he saw the city, he noted the city did not need the sun by day or the moon by night for light. The glory of God was the light of the city by day and by night. This has happened before. When the Lord appeared on earth, including angelic appearances, a supernatural light usually lit the environment. It was physically visible, but it was not normal physical light. It was God’s presence, His glory.

John then makes the remarkable statement and says: the Lamb is the light of that city! Jesus is the glory of God, the light of life, the visible expression of the invisible  Father,  eternal life that we have and will enjoy for all eternity!


What were other symbols used of God’s glory in the Old Testament besides light? How does the verse above relate to John 1:14?


Christ in you is the glory of God in you! That is the mystery revealed in Col. 1:26-27, Christ in you the hope of glory. It should be clear why Jesus told us we are the light of the world today, and that we should shine! Shining is the manifestation of Christ’s life and works for people to see and give glory to God! Arise from any discouragement, dark place, sin, bondage, etc.,  and shine!


Bless the One who is the very glory of God. 

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