For this Purpose the Son of God was Manifested

 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 Jn. 3:8 KJV)

The Apostle John gives us one of the reasons why Jesus came to earth. He says it is to destroy the works of the devil. The manifestation of the Son of God refers to the fact that Jesus appeared as a Man. Of course, He did not suddenly appear but became a Human Being and was born as any one of us. Jesus, the Eternal And Invisible One, became visible( manifested) as a Man. It was only as a Man that He could destroy the havoc Satan is causing on the earth.

A major question here is “what are the works of the devil”?  I know some might think of witchcraft, demonic possessions, magic, etc. However, these are only the tip of the iceberg of what Satan is doing. Interestingly, the context of the verse above is  sin. It says “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning…” (1 Jn. 3:8 KJV). Satan is the intelligence behind sin from its roots.  You can quickly get an overview of Satan’s works by thinking of what happened to the world after the Fall. Whatever was not there before is engineered by Satan. That does not mean He has possessed all humans. No. It simply means he is the mastermind behind the calamities on the earth, whether by direct or indirect involvement.

Jesus came to undo whatever Satan has done and continues to do. The world lies is so much wickedness and looks more like Satan rather than God. However, Jesus came for this very purpose, so that every single thing that was not there from the beginning might be destroyed in your life! That includes sin, sickness, poverty, fears, etc. The Son of God was manifested to bring to an end  every single work of the devil in your life!


What does the defeat of Satan by Jesus mean to you? 


Jesus crushed Satan and give the trophy to us! Satan then can only operate freely in your life IF and WHEN we let him. Once we come to our senses and roar like a lion, he flees like a dog! Satan’s nightmare is a believer who understands his or her rights in Christ and is bold to re-enforce them without fear. Satan is not our problem. It is revelation , faith, and boldness which are keeping us from thoroughly enjoying our rights. Make it a point to ensure every work of Satan is destroyed in your life!


Thank the Lord for the wonderful blessing of giving us the victory over Satan. 

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