God’s Battle Axe and Weapons of War

Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: For with thee will I break in pieces the nations, And with thee will I destroy kingdoms  (Jeremiah 51:20 KJV)

God is engaged in a war, and He uses His people as weapons to fight His battles against His enemies. I will summarize the idea of God’s warfare and how He uses His people to fight His battles.

God’s warfare is the bigger picture of our spiritual warfare. When we fight against sin, fear, Satan, diseases, depression, these battles are forms of expression of God’s battles with His enemies, who are primarily wicked demonic powers. So, God is also in warfare— He has enemies seeking to destroy His plans and purposes on earth. Similarly, He wants to destroy those adversaries and their works. But since God’s enemies cannot directly engage Him in battle, they wage war in the realms of human beings. And this is where we come in.

God uses His people as weapons of war to carry out His purposes of destroying His adversaries and their works. This is the central idea in this truth: God destroys sin, death, Satan, sickness, disease, and all the causes of the tears of humanity in and through His people. Jesus is the prime example. He was the Father’s master battle axe(or ax) to destroy the devil’s works in all its forms. When Jesus ascended from earth to heaven, He left us behind. 

So God uses you and me today to destroy sin, demonic activity, and every system that stands against God’s will and purposes.

An opportunity to engage in God’s warfare: Join us this Friday for Deshen Online Prayer at 7pm Central Time.

Please take a moment to ponder and mutter the verse above as you put yourself in it.

God’s enemies are sin, death, Satan working through human beings, systems, and nations. Your life and ministry are God’s weapons to destroy all the forms of manifestations of His enemies in your home, neighborhood, or country. Make yourself available.

Ask the Lord to use you as He pleases to destroy the works of the evil one in your life or those around you.

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