The reality of evil spirits

And also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out (Lk. 8:2 ESV).

evil spirits

The scriptures abound with references to the manifestations of evil, demonic spirits. The modern man- natural, logical, and living in the material world- finds it hard to understand the concept of the activity of wicked, evil spirits. It can be just as difficult for modern man to acknowledge the reality of God; however, the Word of God is our light to show us spiritual realities.

The proof of spiritual realities is the impact of their activity on our natural lives. One of the horrors plaguing humanity is spiritual blindness, which is a devastating ignorance of the spiritual world and its impact on the physical world. It is a great misfortune that we have been trained to have a natural explanation for everything. Certainly, demons are spirits, and they will manifest using natural means. It takes discernment to understand when an apparently natural occurrence, may actually be a manifestation of wicked spirits. Discernment will guard against superstition and over-spiritualization of events.

The best “gift” you can give evil spirits is to call demonic activity “normal”, or fail to recognize them when they show up. They thrive on the ignorance of humanity. We must allow the light of God’s Word to enlighten our minds.


Does our denial or ignorance of demonic spirits exempt us from their activity? What does the Bible say is the true cost of our ignorance? See Hos. 4:6.


God wants you to be aware and sensitive to the activity of demonic spirits, and yet not be preoccupied with them. You are giving these wicked spirits a buffet table in your life if you behave as though they do not exist.


Pray now, and ask the Spirit for discernment and understanding of the activity of demonic spirits in your own life, so that you are neither ignorant nor superstitious.

Recommended Read: What it Means to Resist the Devil 

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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