The Purpose of Bible Study
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me (John 5:39, KJV)

Why should we study the scriptures? Jesus answered this question above. The scriptures “testify of me.” The scriptures will point you to Jesus and bring you to encounter the living Christ. When the Jews left Egypt for the promised land, Exodus 19:17 says “And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God..” (Exodus 19:17, KJV). Moses led the people to an encounter with God. That is what the scriptures will do to you. They will bring you into a divine encounter with the Lord.
I think a mental block many of us need to overcome is making the distinction between the academic study and the vigorous searching of the scriptures to meet the living Christ. For many believers, any form of Bible study is an academic endeavor. Some hear about Bible study and can only think about theologians, pastors, bible scholars, or just “getting deep.” I have written this before and will repeat it here, that God did not give us the scriptures primarily to establish systems of academic study. The Jewish experts of the Law Jesus was speaking to above were superb scholars but did not know the Father or recognize the One they have memorized in the Law all their lives. It should be of no surprise to you that there can be Bible scholars today who do not even know the Lord personally. However, this in no way discredits the place of Biblical scholarship but rather reminds us that the ultimate goal of studying the scriptures is not knowledge. It is a render-Vous with the Living God.
Moses saw the scriptures as “life” while the Israelites saw them as laws to obey ( Deut. 32:47). Your perception of the scripture will determine your attitude towards it. His words are life and spirit. The primary reason you study them is not to get “more knowledge”. The knowledge you receive is meant to bring you to meet with the Lord Jesus Himself! May the Lord cause your time of Bible study to be a regular encounter with Him rather than a dead academic or mental pursuit!
What is your attitude towards God’s Word? What does the phrase “Bible Study” mean to you?
I believe the greatest force that can drive you into the scriptures is the personal revelation that God is in the Word. The Bible is not the same as your history textbook or newspaper. There is a Person in the book, and the Spirit is waiting for you to take your seat in His class so He can bring you to meet the Living Christ. Get into the Word!
Ask the Lord to open your understanding to know what is in the scriptures waiting for you.
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