Bread which Strengtheneth Man’s Heart

And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart. (Psalm 104:15, KJV)

If you have ever been hungry—and I am certain you have!—you’ve experienced the invigoration that comes when you eat. The psalmist refers to food as the bread that strengthens man’s heart. Although this is true physically, the real power of the verse lies in its symbolic meaning, especially in describing the effects of God’s Word in our lives.

Physically, food provides strength to the body and mind. God created us to depend on food for sustenance. Consider Paul’s conversion; after going without food for three days, he ate and regained his strength:

Afterward he ate some food and regained his strength.” (Acts 9:19, NLT)

Without food, the body and heart gradually lose strength. Without sustenance, physical and mental energy depletes but revitalizes once you eat. Food not only gives strength but fortifies the heart and body.

Here’s the prophetic meaning of this passage: The Bread of Life, God’s Word, strengthens man’s heart. Just as physical food provides natural strength, spiritual food imparts spiritual fortitude to God’s people.

If a Christian is weak and unable to withstand temptations to sin or struggles to believe God’s Word, understand spiritual things, love others, stand up for God, walk in power, or preach the Gospel, the Bread of Life imparts the necessary strength. Jesus said:

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4, KJV)

How do you eat God’s Bread for strength? By reading, studying, growing in your knowledge, and receiving it into your heart. The knowledge of the scriptures you hold in your heart is crucial.

So, consume the Word, which will make you strong in the Lord and the power of His might!


What are the symbolic meanings of the three household items mentioned in Psalms 104:15 above?

Apply the Word

I often encounter Christians starving their hearts for weeks and months without feeding on the Word and wonder why they are so weak spiritually, unable to be joyful, feel God’s presence, struggling with emotional issues, etc. Consume His Word daily, and you will become a spiritual giant.


Ask the Spirit to help you commit to consuming the Word of God every day.

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