What is Encouragement? 

But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see (Deuteronomy 3:28 KJV)

If there is one thing that Christians need in these times of great difficulty, it is encouragement. Let us briefly examine the meaning of encouragement or the verb “to encourage”.

In Deuteronomy 3:28 above, God commanded Moses to charge Joshua with leading Israel. Besides commissioning Joshua with such a tremendous responsibility, the Lord asked Moses to do two things: encourage and strengthen Joshua for the task.

The word “encourage” here means to inspire with confidence or give courage for the task. Encouragement is the inner strength, ability, or resolve to accomplish what is intended, especially in the face of danger, fear, or difficulty. 

Have you ever wanted to do something but could not find the inner motivation, resolve, fortitude, zeal, or desire to continue? Or how many times have you lost the will, spirit, or inner drive to continue doing something? This loss of inner spirit or courage is called discouragement. 

Discouragement is one of Satan’s little-kept secrets against Christians and ministers. He often uses the usual difficulties and challenges in living the Christian life or Ministry to drain our inner motivation, drive, or “spirit” to continue. When discouraged, Christians slowly become cold or slowly quit inside. As such, discouragement is a powerful tool in the hands of the enemy to quench the fire in Christians.

God charged Moses to encourage Joshua, so He wants to encourage us. He knows we need encouragement for the task He has given to us.


Why do we often get discouraged?

Apply the Word

Where do you need encouragement today? We should learn to encourage one another and learn from David to encourage ourselves in the Lord. Do not quit. Rather, be strong and courageous, for the Lord is with you.


Ask the Lord for a new outpouring of encouragement upon you and believers worldwide.  

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