Who Touched My Clothes?

And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? ( Mark 5:30 KJV)

who touched my clothes showing a man touching a screen

Our lives are always transformed when God touches us as He did to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5-9). But it is quite another thing when we touch God and trigger a profound transformation. Let’s learn from the famous story of the woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus and was instantly healed.

This woman pressed through a crowd of people, touching Jesus and pushing hard upon Him. She was one of thousands of people touching Jesus, but her touch was different. Immediately, she touched Jesus’s clothes; the power of God flowed instantly and healed her. It was such a powerful move that Jesus Himself felt the power flow and knew someone had touched Him differently.

What was different about this woman’s touch? Jesus’ response to her gives us the answer: “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” Her faith transformed the physical touch into a spiritual touch and contact with God’s power.

The lessons from this story are staggering. First, touching Jesus physically is empty until there is faith. Like the crowds, as Christians, many might be praying, confessing the Word, reading the Bible, and doing the right things, but faith matters. Secondly, this woman pulled her miracle from Jesus without Jesus having to decide to heal her. It wasn’t as though Jesus looked at her to see faith and then decided to heal her. No! Faith automatically triggered the flow of the power of God.

Lastly, we might say, “I wish Jesus were also here physically so I might touch Him.” Well, here’s a truth that should make you both uncomfortable but stirred up powerfully: Jesus the Man is not here, but He is here as His Word, and you can touch it anytime, anywhere. What that woman did with Jesus’s clothes, we can do the same with His Word, in prayer, etc.

So here’s what I usually say that is quite uncomfortable for many: if God does not touch you, go and touch Him! He is pleased, not disturbed, with our steps of faith.


Has God ever touched you? Have you ever touched God?

Apply the Word

The woman had Jesus, the Word, walking physically. You have the Word, as written scriptures. You can still touch God in the same way the woman with the issue of blood touched Him. Stretch your faith!


Ask the Lord to help you put your faith to work.

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