As I Prophesied, there was a Noise

So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone (Ezek. 37:7 KJV)

The LORD granted Ezekiel a vision to see a valley of dry bones that represented the army of the nation of Israel. The people were so discouraged because they thought all their hope was gone because their military might was destroyed,  and their men of war were dead. Ezekiel saw a vision of the bones of these men of war filling a valley. God  gave the vision to show the prophet that even if their hope is as dead as the dry bones, the Word of the Lord was able to revive any dead expectation.

The LORD commanded the prophet to prophesy to the dry bones he saw. “To prophesy “here meant the prophet had to speak what God was saying to the bones. The astonished prophet obeyed what the LORD told him and to his dismay, as he prophesied he heard a noise and there was a shaking! I want you to imagine being in this prophetic valley and hearing the sound as there was a commotion amongst the bones as they got together to form human bodies!

With God, there is no dead hope. His Word restored hope that was lost. As you prophesy and speak the Word over those circumstances that have challenged your faith, there will be a noise. There will be a shift in the spirit. The Spirit of the LORD is upon you as a believer. He promised that in the last days, He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. This prophetic instruction is fulfilled in Mark 11:23 as the LORD tells us how to speak to the mountains in faith and see results. Prophesy unto the dry bones and do not doubt in your heart and allow the Spirit to bring life to any dead situation in your world.


How does this vision compare to the creation story in Genesis 1:1? Declare that “I am prophesying the Word of the LORD  and hearing a noise as things begin  to shift spiritually and naturally!”


Our God is a speaking God. You, His child, should learn to speak His Word as He does. There is power unleashed when a believer filled with the Spirit declares the Word of the Lord. Creative power is released from your mouth. Prophesy unto the dry bones in your world!


Thank the LORD for the gift of His Spirit. 

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