How to Grow Spiritually

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, (1 Pet. 2:2 NIV)

Not a single one of us was born into God’s family as spiritually mature adults. Instead, we were all born as newborn babies, and God, as our Father, wants us to grow into mature, spiritual sons. Here are the three things we need to grow as Christians: the Word, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians. I often call this trio the triple-fold cord of spiritual growth.

The Word of God is the first and most important element for our spiritual growth. Peter says we should crave pure spiritual milk like newborns desire milk. The Word of God furnishes the nutrients—spiritual carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and micronutrients like vitamins—we need to grow. 

In addition to the Word of God, we need prayer to grow. Prayer is not an alternative to the Word but works together with it. Both work together like good nutrition and exercise of your body to build muscles. To grow our muscles, we need nutrients supplied by food. But when we exercise, we do not furnish any nutrients to our bodies. Instead, we stimulate the muscles to grow. Prayer stimulates growth in our hearts using the nutrients of the Word like exercise does to the body using the nutrients from the food we eat.

Third, we need to fellowship with other Christians. The Word and prayer can occur at the devotional or corporate level. First, we must have a personal devotional life of feeding on the Word and prayer. But we must add, and not replace it, with Church fellowship. We need both. God commands both.

So to grow spiritually, you must feed on the Word, pray, and fellowship with other Christians.


What are the three parts of the triple-fold cord of spiritual growth?

Apply the Word

Are you growing spiritually? It is easy to mistake spiritual activities or ministry involvement for spiritual growth. To ensure you are growing with tangible evidence of Christ-like character and works, give yourself to the Word, prayer, and fellowship.


Ask the Spirit to help you grow constantly. 

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