Till Your Land

He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread (Prov. 28:19 KJV)

till your land

The Scripture above gives us a priceless but often ignored secret to divine prosperity. If you till your land, you will have plenty of bread. This proverb does not apply to farmers only. Your land is what you do. If you till it, you will have plenty of bread. It is important to understand that giving is not all there is to divine prosperity.

Growing up in church, I learned a lot about the importance of giving, including tithing. However, the emphasis of these teachings and the accompanying testimonies I heard led me to the wrong direction. I often heard how people would pay a tithes and receive “a check in the mail”, or would sow a seed and somebody would bless them with a large sum of money. I remember sowing seeds and then waiting for my own check in the mail, which has not still come to this date!

Can God meet your needs using “a check in the mail?” Absolutely yes. Is that His means of exploding financial prosperity in your life? No! There is a difference between meeting your needs, which God does as your Father, and divine abundance.

Read this now and take it to heart once and for all: the blessing of God that leads to abundance will almost always come through the works of your hands. If you do nothing, you will be broke. If you have your land and do not till it with diligence, you will never know financial abundance from heaven.

Do not sit on ideas, talents, skills or have nothing in your hands to create wealth and expect some “check in the mail!” Open your eyes to the Scriptures and get your hands dirty tilling your land!


What does it mean to till your land?


Are you tilling your land? Do you have anything in your hands that God can bless? (Deut. 2:7, Exo. 4:2).


Ask the Spirit to help you start tiling your land so that the blessing of God activated by giving will overwhelm the works of your hands!

Recommended Read: Diligence is a key to riches

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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