Healthy and Vibrant in His Presence

Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; They lacked nothing; Their clothes did not wear out And their feet did not swell (Neh. 9:21 NKJ).

Heath and vitality image showing the words wellness

The Lord carried Israel through the desert for 40 years, and not only did they not lack anything but “their feet did not swell.” This means there was no sickness amongst them, despite moving from place to place in a desert. God was their health and healing.

Moses speaking in Deuteronomy 2:7 gives us the secret for this supernatural health and says, “For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.” The reason for that was “the LORD thy God hath been with thee.” God’s presence was with them.

Whatever the Israelites enjoyed under the Old Covenant only foreshadowed the fullness for those who will be in Christ, whether Jews or gentiles. If the fullness of God’s presence is with us today, then we should have better things than they did. We are the spiritual seed of Abraham, a people of faith. It will be unto us according to our faith. If you can get this revelation into your spirit and have your heart take hold of it by faith, you will see it manifested.

There is a tremendous promise of health and vitality for you in the presence of God.


Was this supernatural health in the desert the same as divine healing when they got sick? Or was it that God supernaturally kept diseases from them and even healed them before any disease shows up in their bodies?


When you encounter truth in the Word, you compare it to your own life and see where God wants you to apply it. How does the truth above apply to your life?


Thank God for the blessing of divine health. Ask the Spirit to show you how to take advantage of this fringe benefit in Christ in your own life.

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