Professor Ant Teaches Wisdom

Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise (Prov. 6:6 NKJ).

Ants teach wisdom image showing an ant holding a diploma

The Lord instructs us to go to the ants and learn a lesson from them. In other words, the scripture is instructing us to enroll in Professor Ant’s course and learn her wisdom. Why would God send us to an ant to learn from it? It is because God’s wisdom is hidden in everything He has created. (Rom. 1:20)

The first instruction is for us to consider the ways of the ants and receive wisdom from them. The wisdom we operate in is hidden in the way we do things. If you observe a wise man, you will soon find out why he is called a wise man from the way he thinks and operates. You can also look at your own ways and you will see the kind and degree of wisdom you walk in.

So, what was the wisdom of the ants? The next two verses tell us.

“Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest.” (Prov. 6:7-8) The ants gather food in summer, during harvest season, and get ready for winter. They understand the seasons of life. They do not sleep during harvest season in summer, but are out in the field working. During winter, they are not taken by surprise but have enough to take them through the harsh season.

Learn this lesson from professor ant. Apply the lesson to your finances. Are you ready for a financial winter? Are you doing anything now to prepare for the future?

And what about your spiritual life? Are you waiting to pray or seek God only when there is a crisis? Pay attention to Professor Ant’s lectures!


What does “having no captain, Overseer or ruler,” in Prov. 6:7 above mean?


Start applying this wisdom today in every aspect of your life, including your financial and spiritual life.


Ask the Spirit to help you learn His wisdom through this tiny creature.

Recommended Read:  Sharpen your Axe by Wisdom and get better Results.

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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