But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only

But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James 1:22 KJV).

James distinguishes two groups of believers in the verse above, which he calls doers and hearers only. He then urges us to be doers of the Word of God and not be hearers only.

Hearers only hear the Word of God, receive the knowledge of what it says, but do not do it. On the contrary, doers hear the Word, acquire the knowledge of what it says, and does the activity commanded or implied by the Word. Doers do, and hearers only listen and do nothing with what they hear.

Doing the Word involves obedience to specific commandments and fully expressing the Truth of who we are in Christ. God has made us as visible expressions of the Truth revealed in His Word. Fully committing ourselves to do what the Word of God says is a critical aspect of our Christian lives. We activate and release the blessing in our lives by doing what the Word says. 

Make a habit of practicing what the Word of God says. The Word describes who we are and what our lives should be in thinking, speaking, and acting. We should be doers and so be a visible expression of the activity of the Word we receive.

Read more: Learn the difference between obedience and doing the Word.

What is the meaning of “doers” as described above? What is the difference between doing the Word and obeying the Word? Read more “moving from obedience to doing the Word”.

We often do far less than we know. Think of all the revelations, teachings, sermons we have received this year. How many of them changed something about our lives? Put God’s Word to practice and refuse to be a hearer only.

Ask the Father to help you a doer of His Word always.

Read more

Two types of hearers.
Move from obedience to doing the Word.
Highly recommended: What is a devotional?
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