Thy Words were found, and I did Eat Them

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts (Jeremiah 15:16 KJV )

Jeremiah had a remarkable experience with the Word of God. It should not be too strange to us knowing He was a prophet. He said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them”.  He then adds  “word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah realized that God’s words all by themselves kindled joy in his heart. 

He found the words of God and ate them. God’s Word is spiritual food. In the book “The Devotional Life: Your Key to a Spiritual Life with Results,” I devoted an entire chapter to explaining the meaning of eating the Word as food extensively. One reason many Christians do not crave the Word of God is that they have not had an experience with it. For such believers, the Word of God is a Christian book that guides us and shows us how to behave or what belongs to us, etc. Yes, these things are true but there is more.  You have to come to the place of realizing that God’s Word is not just a guide to our feet. It is life. It is our life.

How many of you needed to call your doctor’s office to ask if you had to take breakfast or lunch? Why not? It is because we all understand the value of food. In fact, if you do not eat, your body will remind you to do so. But man shall not live by bread alone!  Many of God’s precious children struggle with sin, fears, anxieties, etc. They love God, but they just do not find the strength to LIVE the life they see in scriptures. Well, no food, no life! Have you ever seen an athlete who went to a marathon fasting? That is what many Christians are doing. They are making their spirits run marathons while on a long fast!

May the Lord kindle a hunger in your spirit for His Word. Find it. Eat it. Live and enjoy eternal life to the full!


What is the difference between mere reading the Word of God and eating it?


I realized the value we all have for the word depends on our personal experience with it. You have just read Jeremiah’s experience above. He realized that the Word of God drove depression from his heart and filled him with joy! What is your experience with the Word? Or do you want an experience with it? One of the reasons why I do not mess with my devotional life of feeding on the Word and prayer is because I do not like what my life becomes without the Word. I have had an experience with God in His Word that I cannot bear having anything less.  Brethren, crave God’s Word for your own  good. As newborn babies, desire the Word, feed on it and grow to enjoy a beautiful walk with the Lord.


Ask the Lord for a fresh desire for His Word and the grace to continually sit at His table to feed on His Word. 

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