A Proverb for Today

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, But the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12, KJV)

Almost every one of us will relate to the practical wisdom declared in the verse above. Think for a second on those times when we are sure about something, so sure about it that we can put our entire credibility on it only to find out at the end that we were wrong. Sometimes it is so embarrassing that we have to apologize to those who were correct and we thought they were so wrong and needed to be corrected. You see, our human knowledge is limited.

The proverb above applies to both natural and spiritual things. Keep it at the back of your mind that we are not omniscient with absolute knowledge on our own. It might turn out that we are the ones who is wrong. This is a fundamental reason why  God has given us the Bible to serve as a foundation of truth and the Holy Spirit to keep us from wandering away from the truth in the vanity of our minds.

The word “seemeth” in that proverb is key. It implies that at the time we are sure the way we are going is right, we might be honest about it. You will not deliberately do things that you know are going to hurt you, will you? Honesty or sincerity does not make up for failure to know the truth. The very things we do, even in utmost sincerity,  many times turn around and pierce us deeply because we did not know the full story.  Obeying God, even when we  THINK His Way does not make sense will protect us from OURSELVES when we are ABSOLUTELY SURE  we are on the right way whereas we are on a path that leads to death and destruction.


Think of one moment in your life that you did something that end up hurting you very deeply but you were 100% SURE it was the right thing to do at the time you did it


This second proverb for today needs no further comment “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5, KJV)


Ask the Lord to protect you from your own very self. 

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