Take fast hold of instruction 

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life. (Proverbs 4:13 KJV)

Solomon gives us a glimpse into his own life growing up as a kid in the verse above. He reveals a profound insight regarding the acquisition of wisdom. Many of us think Solomon’s walk of wisdom began only after God imparted an uncommon gift of wisdom upon him. Well, that is not entirely true. Did you ever ask yourself why Solomon asked God for wisdom instead of power, riches, etc? God came to him and asked what he wanted and Solomon said wisdom without any hesitation! 

The answer lies in what had happened at home as he grew up with his father David and mother Bathsheba. He said in verse 3-4:

 When I [Solomon] was a son with my father [David], tender and the only son in the sight of my mother [Bathsheba], He taught me and said to me,”Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live” (Proverbs 4:3–4 AMP)

Solomon’s instructions in verse 13 are a repetition of David’s instructions to him as a child. Solomon had learned from childhood how divine wisdom is acquired. His father had taught him the importance of wisdom and he grew up knowing wisdom is the principal thing. When God asked him what he wanted, it came out of him without any hesitation!

God’s wisdom comes to us by learning His ways, taking hold of them and living daily by them (wisdom by the Word). Interestingly, Solomon also encountered the wisdom imparted by the Spirit! 


What are the two ways in which Solomon encountered God’s wisdom in His life? Compare this to the Word of God today and the Gifts of the Spirit.


God’s Word is your life. Take firm hold of it, do not let it go, keep it always. For example, God commands us to stay away from sexual sin. That is an example of divine instruction. There are many other divine instructions for us in the Word. The walk of wisdom begins by taking firm hold of His Word and keeping it to guide your steps.


Ask the Father to help your heart take a hold of His wisdom. 

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