With God, Nothing Shall Be Impossible

“For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Lk. 1:37 KJV).

The Christmas story teaches us that nothing truly is impossible with God. The impossibilities in this story began with Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin, who was barren and past menopause, yet conceived and gave birth to John the Baptist.

The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in the scripture above and delivered to her a message that is flat-out impossible to our human senses. The angel told her that she was going to become pregnant as a virgin—without having sexual relations with a man. Impossible? Not with God! The same God who made possibilities out of these impossibilities is still with you today. He is more than able to change any apparently impossible situation in your life as you believe in Him.


Can you see that there is a possibility in your own apparently impossible situation?


Ask the Father to open your eyes; to be able to see what He sees.


The first step to take is to see that with God, nothing is impossible. Can the dry bones in your life live again? Restructure your thinking this Christmas season as you see your life the way God sees you.

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