An “Impossible” Scriptural Prophecy the Lord Wants to Fulfill

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13, KJV)

Would you believe me, knowing the current state of the worldwide Church, if I tell you that the days are coming when the Body of Christ will know and believe one thing about God? With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.

What you just read above is not some prophetic word God told me personally. It is the sure word of prophecy recorded in the scripture in Ephesians 4:13. Many of us already know that the Bride of Christ has to be mature—Christlike—before Jesus returns. However, this prophecy details a requirement for the maturity of the Body of Christ that you will hardly ever hear about: our knowledge, understanding, and beliefs about God or His Son, essentially our doctrines, must become one. This is so impossible in our eyes that no one will doubt God alone has accomplished His Word when it is fulfilled.

While God will raise many in the five-fold ministries, the driving principle that will fulfill this prophecy is that every believer will learn to understand the scripture by the Holy Spirit in them. The Lord has shown me that one of my principal functions as a teacher is not only to explain the scriptures to you but to equip you to search the scriptures yourself. 

It is impossible to overemphasize this: God is about to fulfill Ephesians 4:13 above, and that will require you to be rooted and built up in the scriptures—align yourself with this facet of the glorious move of the Spirit. This scriptural prophecy drives many of the programs in our ministry that seek to refocus our attention on the Bible, such as Reading Through the Bible(RTB-1-2) or our FREE courses on how to study the Bible.

It is the reason we organize the Inductive Bible Study Method Course every year and make it FREE to anyone. The course this year is scheduled for Feb. 26th. Register and reserve your seat.

Register and Reserve Your Seat Today!

Are you ready to walk with the Spirit in this new wave of unity coming into the Body?

My job as a teacher is to equip you with the grace God has given me; your job is to allow the Spirit to equip you through my ministry, and the ministry of many others. Hear this again from me—the Spirit’s primary tool to bring you to full Christlikeness is the Word of God recorded in the scriptures.

Ask the Spirit to bring us to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God.

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