Be Anxious for Nothing

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God (Phil. 4:6 NKJ).

Be anxious for nothing image showing an anxious couple

The scripture above is God’s vital instruction to not worry about anything. This instruction is so important, because reasons for worry and anxiety constantly surround us. It seems that every moment presents more reasons to worry than reasons to be at rest.

However, the Lord says “do not be anxious about anything” (Phil. 4:6 NIV). Immediately, we must recognize that this is more than an ordinary commandment. It is not positive thinking, or just having a good outlook on life. This commandment is for believers in Christ. Christians have the power within them to not be anxious about the life’s issues. The unbeliever certainly has reasons to be anxious. They are lost, they do not know God as Father, protecting them as His children, and they have no hope after death. There are reasons for the unsaved to be anxious; however, as a believer, you do not have any reason, whatsoever, to be anxious.

The Apostle Peter told us why the believer should not worry “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you”(1 Pet. 5:7 NKJ). Know that God really does care about you. That is faith, and it is the key to calming the storms of anxiety and worry.


What is worry or anxiety? I encourage you to refresh your memory with a dictionary definition. Declare that “I am a child of God. I have no reason to worry, because God is my Father and my Guardian”.


The scripture above is a commandment, not a suggestion. That means we break God’s Word when we worry. Feed your heart with the Word, grow in faith and trust, and kick anxiety out of your life.


Ask the Father to strengthen you by His Word, and to guard your heart against anxiety.

Recommended Read: Can I truly be worry-free?

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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