It a Good Thing to Give Thanks unto the LORD
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, And to sing praises unto thy name, O most High (Psalm 92:1, KJV)

The Psalmist tells us that it is good to give thanks unto the LORD and to sing praises unto His Name. Why is it a good thing for us to give thanks and praise the LORD? The reasons are two-fold: those related to God and us.
It is evident that thanksgiving, praise, and worship are due to our God as He is worthy. It is not coercion. He deserves our thanksgiving. Our bodies, soul, and spirits were given to us by Him. He created beautiful earth for us to live in. He did not only create us but has redeemed us, securing for Himself double glory for all eternity. And our Lord’s heart is touched by the sacrifice of thanksgiving, praise, and worship. God is self-sufficient in His being and needs nothing from us, including our money. However, if you want to give Him something that will touch His heart, give Him the sacrifice of thanksgiving, praise, and worship.
The second reason is secondary to the above but nevertheless significant. Thanksgiving turns around and impacts us directly. If you want to grow in the personal experience of God’s presence and fellowship of the Spirit, then a life of perpetual thanksgiving and worship is vital. I often say this “anything can happen in God’s presence.” The sacrifice of thanksgiving brings a tangible dimension of God’s presence that provokes miracles. Think about Paul and Silas in prison. Praise opened the doors of the prison and broke the chains off their hands and feet. There is something about a thankful spirit that primes us for the supernatural. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord always!
Why does the Psalmist say that it is good to give thanks unto the Lord? Please take a moment and meditate, or cause the words of the verse above to go over your mind repeatedly as you brood over them, and begin to mutter them.
We choose thanksgiving, even if there appears to be no immediate reason for it. Look for a reason to be thankful. The key is not to wait until your situation changes before you start thanking God. Everyone will thank God when a miracle or breakthrough occurs, but only the mature and wise thank Him in the valley and provoke their miracle to the mountain top!
Thank the Father for giving us His Word and His Spirit.
- O give thanks unto the LORD
- Giving Thanks Unto the Father
- Give thanks and receive miracles daily!
- Thankful “for” and “to”
- Two Fundamental Attributes of a Thankful Spirit
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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