Open my eyes, Lord!

Open thou mine eyes, That I may behold wondrous things out of thy law (Psalm 119:18, KJV)

The Psalmist cries out to the LORD to open his eyes that he may see wondrous things out His Law. Was the Psalmist physically blind? Certainly not! He was not asking God to open his physical eyes. His prayer was evidence that he had realized he had some kind of blindness, otherwise he would not have asked the Lord to open his eyes. He could see physically, but he was blind spiritually.

We receive or enter into spiritual realities by first seeing them. I have shared before on our live Bible study and devotionals that seeing spiritually essentially means knowing, no matter what avenue the Lord uses to bring that knowledge to you. When you know something about God, you have seen that thing spiritually. Why then was the Psalmist, and the majority of humanity today spiritually blind? It is because when sin entered the world, the human mind was cut off from God and is unable to know the things about God. We cannot study harder to know the things of God. God Himself, by His Spirit, has to enable our minds to know these things. This process by which God enables our eyes to know is what opening our eyes is all about.

Seeing spiritually is crucial in our spiritual walk. You cannot walk or fully enjoy the things of God you have not seen. There are things in your life God will bring to you by opening your eyes to see. Just like Hagar who was dying of thirst beside a well in the desert, so there are many of us suffering from a disease in the midst of healing you cannot see, dying of poverty around wealth and abundance, oppressed and harasses by demons whereas the power to crush them is in our mouth all because our eyes are still closed. There are challenges you are facing now, which will crumble immediately before you the day your eyes will be opened. You will realize that challenge was really not your problem. The real challenge you had all along is that you were just blind and could not see. The Apostle Paul prayed that the Lord would enlighten the eyes(open their eyes) of the Ephesians so that they might see. If I were you, I will cry and seek the Lord restlessly until the eyes of your understanding are enlightened that you may know His hope for you, His inheritance in you, and the tremendous power that is yours in Christ! ( Ephesians 1:15-19)


What does it mean to open someone’s eyes spiritually? Can you say the words of the prayer of Ps 119:18 above again and again?


The verses above teach us that we can pray for God to open our eyes. Yes, you can and you should. There are times when your eyes will be opened  as you are feeding on the Word, which is the light that opens the eyes. At other times, your eyes will be open in the fellowship of prayer in His presence. Whatever case, you cannot afford to be spiritually blind!


Ask the Spirit to open your eyes that you will see wonderful things in His Word. 

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