How God Gives Favor with Men 

And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians. (Exodus 12:36 KJV)

Often God changes our status by using people. He channels His kindness to us through favor in the eyes of the people we interact with.

Favor with men can transform our lives overnight. It makes us partake of what other people have without sweat and toil. A classic example of favor with men is Joseph finding favor in Pharaohā€™s eyes: one commandment from Pharaoh changed Josephā€™s status from the head of prisoners in a dungeon to the second in command in the greatest kingdom of his time.

God uses favor with men as an instrument to change our lives. And He does so in at least two ways: directly by making people favorable to us or indirectly by giving us things that make people favor us. In Exodus 12:36, God gave the Hebrews favor in the sight of the Egyptians; He made the hearts of the Egyptians favorably disposed to give the Hebrews whatever they requested. This is direct favor.

Besides directly bestowing favor, God sometimes gives us gifts that attract favor. For instance, He gave Joseph the gift of interpreting dreams and Pharaoh lavished favor on him. Similarly, Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzarā€™s dream, making this great king fall to his knees.

So favor with men comes from God, and we find it by seeking to please God, not men. 


Are there things that attract favor from men? What has God said about these? (Example Prov 3:1-4).

Apply the Word

Never try to find favor with men by seeking to please people while displeasing God. This is a dangerous snare for all of us. E.g., Donā€™t get sexually involved with a boss to gain their favor. Such favor will turn and bite like a snake. Paradoxically, we find favor with men by pleasing God, not menā€”God gives this favor.


Ask the Father to lavish the two avenues of favor with men, as discussed above. 

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