How to release divine favor in your life

“For it is Thou who dost bless the righteous man, O LORD, Thou dost surround him with favor as with a shield” (Ps. 5:12 NAS).

Divine favor is like the dew from heaven on a hot summer day. Favor is real, and can literally change our lives overnight. 2 Samuel 9 records the unusual story of how a man named Mephibosheth moved from the streets to the palace within hours because of favor. Imagine that you have found favor with the president of the United States, and he wants to do everything in his power to make life better for you. We have found favor, not with a wealthy or influential man on the earth, but with the God who made and owns heaven and earth!

How do you find favor with God? The scripture above says the Lord surrounds the righteous with favor as with a shield. There is favor on every side of his life. God’s grace revealed through the Person and work of Jesus Christ has brought divine favor to us. You are the righteous of God today because of Jesus Christ, and therefore you are surrounded by God’s favor. The only thing you need to do to release that favor is faith. Quite simple, right? That really is how simple it is, but it is amazing how we still struggle with it! Stretch your hands of faith and activate favor in your life today!


Why are we entitled to the favor of God in the scripture above, as opposed to those who lived in the Old Covenant? See 2 Corinthians 5:21.


Whatever you believe and act on in the Word is what works for you. That is a mystery and a key in grace. Faith gives you access to the treasures of grace. You do not need to do something to make God bless or grant you favor. You need to believe and act on what you believe! Where do you need favor today? Locate the Word and start exercising your faith!


Thank the Lord for abundant favor bestowed upon your life through Christ.

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