Withered and dry by rivers of living water 

There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. (Psalm 46:4 KJV)

withered and dry tree

Our book published in 2016 titled “The Devotional Life: Your Key to a Spiritual Life with Results” presents a simple truth: whether you will flourish as a believer or wither and dry up after you believe depends on your consistent relationship with the Lord in the Word and prayer. Stay away from Him and you dry up like a dry branch. Draw near and sit at His feet daily in a healthy fellowship in the Word and prayer and you will flourish like a palm tree. 

Sadly enough, many believers are like withered trees by the abundance of living waters. Ps. 46:4 above tells us there is a river for us and Jesus told us that river gushes out of our bellies. Yet on a day to day basis, many of us live like palm trees in the desert with yellow leaves, no fruit, struggling to survive, and sometimes barely alive. We struggle to believe or experience the joy or peace that are ours, let alone overcoming sin, Satan or the world.

Life has evolved considerably and our schedules are already full to capacity before we get up in the morning. The world around us including social media is screaming for our attention and time. Your job or family will also not let you have it easy. Putting food on your family’s table today is far more difficult and demanding than it was in Abraham’s day. God will not send angels to babysit your children for you either! Life has changed, and there is no going back. However, one thing has not changed: sitting at the Master’s feet to hear His Word and fellowship with Him in prayer consistently is your secret to staying full. There are no shortcuts. There is a price for intimacy with the Holy Spirit. It is not a million-dollar tithe or seed. It is time with Him, as well as surrender. 

May your life ever flourish like a tree planted by rivers of living waters!

Read more: Flourishing in God’s presence.


What does it mean to flourish or wither?


Dryness is not God’s will for us. Would you accept my challenge today? Please spend the next 2-3 weeks feeding on the Word and spending time daily with the Lord in prayer and see what impact it has on your life. 


Ask the Spirit for the grace to have an established devotional life. 

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Flourishing like trees planted by the rivers
The river of God is full of water
Highly recommended: what is a devotional?
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