The Reward for Those Who Hunger 

Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled.… (Luke 6:21 KJV) 

Jesus said those who are hungry now will be filled. The reward for their hunger will be the satisfaction and infilling from God. Spiritual hunger is a good thing. It is the driving force for the experience of the fullness of God. 

There are two parts in hunger: there is the NEED and the DESIRE for food to meet that need. Hunger is a feeling that senses the need for food together with an ardent desire for food to meet that need. Those who recognize their need for God and desire Him are the ones who are hungry. Jesus says God will fill such people to the full and meet the deepest needs of their hearts.

Spiritual hunger is a good thing. It is good to be hungry for more of God’s presence and power. It is a good thing to be hungry to see souls won for Jesus. It is a good thing to desire to move to a deeper level of intimacy with the Holy Spirit. This spiritual hunger is the dynamo behind those who seek God and take that the extra step. Pastors will tell you that there is no greater blessing of pastoral ministry than having a congregation that is hungry for God. On the contrary, the burden of a group of believers with no desire for God and no desire for more of His presence and power is a cross that Pastor needs to bear and trust the Lord for strength to go through it.

There is a blessing for those who are hungry. If you are not hungry, you can start by asking God to put a hunger in your heart. A desire to be hungry is also a blessing in itself!


Isaiah 44:3 says, “I will pour water upon him that is thirsty”. Can you see the relationship between this verse and what is discussed above?


Spiritual hunger is good. If you sense there is a hunger and a dissatisfaction in your spirit for your current spiritual life or the spiritual environment you are in, it is a good thing. You can be sure that hunger is from God. Neither Satan, no your own natural desires, will hunger for God. Ask the Father to stir up your heart to hunger more and more for His presence and power.


Thank the Lord for pouring water on those who are thirsty and giving bread to the hungry. 

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