The Tabernacle and You

And you shall raise up the tabernacle according to its pattern which you were shown on the mountain. (Exod. 26:30 NKJ)

The ark of the Tabernacle
11513083 – ark of the covenant from the bible.

The Tabernacle was the worship sanctuary of the Israelites while they were in the desert. It was made of three distinct parts:

The first part was called the outer court and held an altar and a wash basin made of bronze.

The second part was called the Holy Place, with a golden altar, a table of sacred bread, and a lampstand. Only the priests were permitted to enter into the Holy Place to minister to God.

The third part was called the Holy of Holies and held the Ark of the Covenant, which had the mercy seat upon it. Only the high priest was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies, and only once in a year.

This Tabernacle structure was a representation of the true heavenly tabernacle. Our scripture above, therefore, tells us that God commanded Moses to build the Tabernacle to exact specifications because it represented the heavenly tabernacle.

There are many lessons for us in the Tabernacle. One lesson of concern to us today is how the Tabernacle shows that, for the believer, there are three levels of intimacy with God.

You were brought into God’s presence in Christ the day you became born again. At that moment, you were brought into the Holy of Holies. But practically speaking, in the here and now, our experiences of intimacy with God are graded.

Some believers have an outer court experience; others have a Holy Place experience; and still others live perpetually in the Holy of Holies, in mature fellowship and intimacy with God. The Father wants you to not only be in the Holy of Holies (to live in the Spirit) but also to walk and live from there (Gal. 5:25.)


Why did God give Moses very specific instructions about the Tabernacle construction? (See Heb. 9:1-11.)


Desire a closer walk with God from today. Start to practice living in His Presence always.


Thank the Lord for bringing you into the Holy of Holies. Ask the Spirit to help you live perpetually from the Holy of Holies.

Recommended Read: Cultivating Intimacy with God and Cultivate Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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