Your devotional life determines your spiritual temperature

And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’s feet, and heard his word (Lk.10:39 KJV).

The success of our Christian life here on the earth is dependent on our being in touch with God. Sadly, many believers are in touch with God in their born-again spirit, but as far from Him as the east is from the west in their outward day-to-day lives. Your devotional life captures your efforts to stay in touch with God.

Time with God is an endangered “spiritual species” in this information age. There is so much in our lives screaming for our attention every day. Some believers are like empty containers moving around, but empty of any virtue. Some feel their lives are like a dried-up tree branch, struggling daily to survive Christianity, let alone thrive in it. Your inner fellowship with God determines the outward life you will enjoy. There are no shortcuts. You cannot replace fellowship with God with other spiritual activities, such as ministry work, giving, etc. You will eventually burn out. In our scripture above, Mary found time in her schedule to sit down at His feet and feed on His Word. Protect your devotional life. Stay in touch with God, from your private time in the prayer closet to the time you spend in a shopping mall.


Look carefully at the main scripture above. Think about what it means, and apply it to yourself. Do you have a spot at Jesus’ feet yet?


Ask the Spirit for the grace to see that being “in touch” with Him is your main priority in life and will make everything else work for your good.


There are two major obstacles to the Word in our lives. The first is that we do not always seem to have enough time to get the Word in. The second is that we do not always ACT on what it says. In fact, the sad norm is hearing the Word and doing nothing about it. The key to getting results through the Word is ACTING on what the Word says. What will you do with today’s Word?

Recommended Read: Yield to God every day

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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