The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth

The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; By understanding hath he established the heavens (Proverbs 3:19 KJV)

If I ask you which of the divine virtues or attributes was used to create the heavens and the earth, there is hardly anyone of us who would not mention His power. Creation is a glorious manifestation of the power of God. Sadly, this is precisely where many of us have ended. The power of God is only one side of the story. There was more than the power of God that was needed to create the world we know. 

The scripture above tells ls us the LORD founded the earth by His wisdom. Creation is a demonstration of a degree of knowledge and understanding of material things that is beyond our comprehension. For the LORD to establish the earth and have it stable and functioning all these years, He had to design the smallest sub-atomic particles to the enormous planetary bodies with the perfect laws of nature. 

I repeatedly stress this truth that the Church has known the power of God to different degrees for the most part. However, the overwhelming majority of us do not know about the wisdom of God. You have probably read previous devotionals about wisdom where I stated most of our problems on earth today are not power problems but wisdom problems. Get to know the LORD’s wisdom.


Ponder and mutter the verse above as you meditate on what it means and how it applies to you.


God operates through His power and wisdom. It is a similar glorious analogy to the role of the Word of God and His Spirit in creation. Yes, God created the world by His Word, but that is not all. He made the world by His Spirit! God’s wisdom is both imparted as a gift of the Spirit and by His Word. Desire wisdom. 


Ask the Father to help you come to know His wisdom which has been lavished on you in Christ. 

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  1. Glory be to God for the wisdom He has given you to digest the word and make it more accessible to others through its teaching. More grace in Jesus name. Would be heartily grateful to have the e-copy of your daily devotionals for a better understanding of how to have more access to the resources of the word of God. Thanks in anticipation.

    1. Hello Abiodun. Thank you for reaching out with those gracious and encouraging words. We will send a copy of our Devotional Lie Book to your email. If you do not receive it, please double check your email and get back to us. Blessings.

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