Provision on the Mount of the LORD
So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided” (Genesis 22:14, ESV)

When God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his precious son Isaac, he obeyed and took the boy to the mountain. However, just before he sacrificed his son, the LORD interrupted him and provided a ram on that mountain for the sacrifice. He made provisions for the sacrifice He commanded Abraham to offer to Him. There was an exchange, life for life. A remarkable figure of the only begotten Son of God who was to be the Lamb of God sacrificed for the sins of the world.
The event was so memorable in Abraham’s life that he called the place where this occurred “ Jehovah Jireh, or “the LORD will provide”. There is a place or a mountain where provisions from the LORD abounds. The mount where Abraham met God’s ram for the sacrifice was a mountain of obedience and faith. When you climb up this mountain, you will find divine provisions. Of course, there are hundreds of thousands at the foot of the mountain screaming out to God for their needs. But it is ON THIS mountain of the LORD that there is provision for His people. The steps to the mountain are the steps of obedience and faith, that is, a life of living by the Word of God.
Provisions for whatever need we have, physical or spiritual, have already been made in Christ. Walk in the Word, that is, trust and obey!
What does Jehovah Jireh mean? Was Abraham initially referring to the place or to God?
Pay attention to this now: whatever your need is, there is a Word that addresses it. Find that Word, absorb it in your heart, believe it and DO WHAT IT SAYS. Don’t shout. Don’t beg God. Don’t struggle to convince Him in prayer. Trust and obey. We will be deceiving ourselves by living contrary to the Word and think we will stumble on a breakthrough or some miracle through some big seed we sow or encounter with some great man of God. The secret to enjoying the Christian life has not changed: trust and obey!
Ask the Lord to give you the heart to always trust and obey Him.
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