Let your light so shine before men

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matt. 5:16 KJV)

Let your light so shine shown a bulb in the dark

Jesus gives us a clear instruction in the verse above to let our “light so shine before men”, that they may  see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. But what is your light? What does it mean to shine?

The verse above is loaded with insight regarding the life of the believer as the light of the world. A key word in the verse above to assist our understanding of this scripture is the word “so”. Jesus said “let your light so shine”, meaning  your light should shine in the same way as the illustration He had  just given in verse 15 saying  “Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house”(Matt. 5:15 ESV). He draws an analogy between a lamp on a stand that shines and gives light to the entire room and the life of the believer. The “so” means just as the lamp is giving light to everyone in the room, our lights should shine in the same way.

But what is our light? Our verse above also give us the answer—your good works. Your light is your works, the things you do and say that others see and hear. People around you will see God in you through your works. You are the light of God shining in the dark world today.


If our light is our good works, how would you describe darkness? Declare that “I am the light of the world and a revelation of God’s beauties and excellencies to those around me to see”


The application is quite straightforward. The Lord instructs us to “arise and shine” in your home, neighborhood, job, nation, etc.


Thank the Lord for the privilege of being the light. Pray that the Spirit will help you always maintain a full tank of oil to burn and shine for the glory of God.

Recommended Read: You are the light in a dark world

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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