Let your light so shine
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16 KJV).
Daylight savings time starts today, and the time in North America is advanced by one hour so that the evening light lasts longer. You are God’s light on the earth today. The earth is dark, full of fear, worries, disease, depression, sin, satanic oppression, etc. This is called darkness. In the midst of this darkness, God says you are the light of this dark world, to bring hope, a smile, joy, freedom, health, and direction. The world around us is clearly heading toward a disaster.
Interestingly, the scripture above says “your light” should shine. It did not say God’s light here, but calls it “your light.” What does God call your light? Isaiah 60:1 says “Arise, shine; For your light has come!” (Isa. 60:1 NKJ). So what is your light? Your light is Christ, who now dwells in you and lives as one with you. He is your Light. Christ, the Light of the world, shines in the world as you. The scripture above goes further to tell us specifically what your light entails. Your light is what people around you see. They do not see Christ inside of you. They see your good works. Good works are not charitable activities here, but God’s works through you. As you talk and interact with others around you, they see God in what you do, and glorify Him. Let your light shine!
Why do men see your good works and glorify the Father rather than you? Hint—good works are God’s works through you.
Righteous living is shining. Bringing divine healing and freedom to people is shining! Showing the love of God to those around you is shining. Arise; shine today!
Ask the Lord to help you shine in whatever thing you will do or say from today onward.
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