Jealously guard the joy of the Lord
..for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Neh. 8:10 )
The joy of the Lord is our strength for every day. That implies whatever takes away our joy is taking away our strength to oppose and overcome the situation. So if Satan wants to weaken us, he brings something that will take away our joy. It may be a co-worker, a friend, an economic issue, a health challenge, a global event..the list is long and endless. In fact, there is something that might happen during today that will come to test how firmly you are holding on to your joy. Jealously guard the joy of the Lord in your heart, and do not sell it cheap to the people or circumstances that will come by today.
We have the ability to keep or lose our joy, therefore the Lord gives us the commandment to guard our hearts with all diligence( Proverbs 4:23). God wants our joy to be nonfluctuating. The only way to do so is when we recognize that our joy is not dependent on our circumstances, but on the Lord. Our joy is the joy of the Lord. The Lord is our joy. Since He does not change and is unshakeable, our joy, therefore, is unshakable. Do not put your joy on the material things of this world, or else your heart will be broken repeatedly. Your joy is from the Lord and drills this deep into your heart.
Your joy is your strength through the challenges of your day, so jealously keep it. A joyful spirit is what creates the atmosphere for a miracle to happen to change the situation. Losing your joy and keeping sorrow, anxiety or bitterness in your heart because of a situation is a quick way to keep you entrapped in that situation. Those who are bitter will always have something to be bitter about because it creates a  bitter spiritual atmosphere around them and of course leading to more bitter things to come their way. Joy creates a spiritual atmosphere for miracles around you. Keep a joyful spirit throughout this day.
The Word in your  mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)
Take a few minutes and ponder and mutter that scripture above.
Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)
 Ask the Spirit of the Lord now to help you hold on to your joy today in whatever situation you will find yourself.
Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)
This is a good opportunity to act on God’s Word. It is simple-rejoice always. Maintain a joyful heart today. The blessing of the Lord is in DOING what God has said, no matter how small it is. Learn to act on God’s Word, and not just hear it.
Recommended Read: Understanding the Blessing of God
Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?
Revelation from today’s scripture:I do not have to wait for joy to come in the morning. I can be joyfuy no matter the circumstance because the battle is the Lord’s and the Joy of the Lord is my strength :).Amen!