A Very Present Help in Trouble

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble  (Ps. 46:1 KJV)

A Very Present Help in Trouble showing a fortress

Our Father is a refuge for those who trust in Him. He is a help that is there present at the very instant that you need it. The world is in a state of increasing unrest, and men’s hearts are indeed failing them when they see what is happening around. The problems in the world are multiplying every day, but our God is a ready help for His own.

There is nothing compared to having an anchor for your soul in times of trouble. There are some that look up to men to rescue them, whether family, friends or even national leaders. Man’s help is limited.  Have you ever trusted on someone and not have that person available at the moment when you needed the help? God is a present help, everywhere, every time.

The scripture says “the name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Prov. 18:10 KJV). The LORD’s Name is a strong tower for His people. However, for that tower to help you in times of trouble, you have to trust and depend on Him. He is a present help in trouble at all times, but only those who trust and depend on Him will enjoy the benefits of living under the shadow of His wings.   A thousand may fall on your side and ten thousand on your right hand but the plague shall not come near your house! This is our confidence. Be assured that He will keep His Word.


Please take a moment to think upon every word of Ps. 46:1 above and mutter those words again to get them sinking deep into your spirit.


Is there a situation that is shaking you to the core? Remember that God is a present help, but only those who trust in that Help will reap the benefits. Hold your peace, and the Lord will fight your battles! ( Exo. 14:14).


Thank the Lord for the blessing of being a present help for you in times of trouble.

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