Understanding receiving from God

“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mk. 11:24 NKJ).

Receiving from God is far easier than many of us realize. It is crucial for every believer to fully understand how to receive from God. The scripture above gives us a cardinal truth about receiving from God. It can be simply stated that “you receive from God when your heart believes.” That means the moment you believe God’s Word in your heart, you receive whatever you ask for. Can this be true? Why, then, don’t I see what I asked for all the time?

We have to understand that receiving from God is a spiritual transaction. If you understand that man is spirit, soul, and body, many things in scripture will be clearer. Your spirit receives from God. As soon as a man’s heart believes what God has spoken, that man’s spirit receives what that Word says. It is already yours. However, your outward life, especially the body, might not yet show any evidence of it. This is where many believers are still stumbling in their faith walk. The fact that your body still has the disease does not mean you have not yet received healing. The fact that nothing has changed in your finances, relationships, or other situation does not mean you have not yet received from God. You received the moment you believed. All that is needed now is for you to stand in faith until what you have received becomes outwardly manifested.


Take a moment to ponder and mutter the scripture above repeatedly to let it sink into your spirit.


Are you ready to step into faith? Did you ask God for something? Did you believe you received? Then stop asking and start thanking Him for your miracle today!


Ask the Spirit to help you take hold of this reality.

Recommended Read: From believing to knowing

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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  1. I am so blessed by the devotion today. I honestly believe that discouragement is the work of the devil.

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