His banner over me was love
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. (Song of Solomon 2:4 KJV)

Have you ever been intrigued by the romance recorded in the Bible between Solomon and the Shunammite woman? In this devotional, we explore the significance of “his banner over me was love” and its application in our everyday lives.
Many Christians read the Song of Solomon and are almost embarrassed to find some graphic details of the romance between Solomon and his beautiful Shunammite wife. It might seem romance, and Holy Scriptures have nothing in common. Let me remind us, though I am sure we know it, that God is the Author of romance, sexual relationships, and marriage. Understandably, the corruption of these blessings in the sin-laden world is more palpable than the original intent of the Father when He established them.
The Shunammite woman describes Solomon bringing her to a banqueting house with a banner of love over her. This narrative uses figurative language to depict a royal celebration hosted by Solomon, likely attended by many distinguished guests. Rather than a physical banner, this “banner” symbolizes the clear and unmistakable declaration of Solomon’s love for her. The specifics of how Solomon showed his love are not detailed, but it’s clear that every attendee left with no doubt of his deep affection for her.
This story is not merely a historical account; it illustrates Christ’s love for His Bride. Jesus has displayed His love for us so profoundly that all creation—including every principality and power—recognizes His love for His people. The cross is the ultimate declaration of His love, a banner over us, loudly proclaiming His deep affection.
Understanding Christ’s love and truly believing in it is different. God wants us to know and believe in His love daily. As a banner of His love, the cross is the ultimate display of His affection. Everything else, like provisions, protection, and relationships, comes more easily. If Christ loves us, He’ll protect, heal, provide, guide, and give His best (Romans 8:32). So, know and believe in Christ’s love daily (1 John 4:16).
Reflect on Christ’s banner of love over you today.
Apply the Word
Imagine the confidence with which the Shunammite woman lived, fully aware of Solomon’s love. Christ invites us to live with a similar assurance of His love daily. Recognizing His love is crucial, but living in the fullness of that love transforms our lives. Embrace and dwell in the security of Christ’s love every day.
Thank the Father for the banner of Christ’s love over us. Ask Him to help you see, accept, and live in the fullness of that love each day.
- We Have Known and Believed the Love of God
- Keep Yourself in the Love of God
- 2 Corinthians 13:14 : the love of God
- Surrendering to God by love
- The Love Language of Jesus
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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