Surrendering to God by love

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love” (1 Jn. 4:18 NAS).

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Our Christian journey begins with accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus, the Lord of our lives, is the One who controls and rules how things are done. We surrender to His lordship when we get to the point that we have made up our minds to do what He wants instead of what we want. This is the most important decision any human being can ever make. It was the decision that got you born again, and it is that decision that will make you abundantly fruitful on earth. Everything else you will enjoy with God comes after this line of surrender. God wants you to love Him to the point that you want to please Him and do what He wants. He does not want you to surrender to Him out of fear, but out of love.

Do you love the Lord? If you do, you will want to please Him.  You please Him by doing what He commands. He is infinitely wiser than you are, and His commands for you will make your life sweet and not bitter! Sometimes, doing what He wants may seem to be against what you think is good for us. This is where lordship comes in. You love Him, and do what He wants to please Him, and not what you want. You surrender by love, unforced. The day you make this decision in your heart, as a christian, to love God truly, you will set your  life on a  glorious path  for ever. Many believers go ahead living their lives the way they want and wonder why other things such as sin, satan or even  poverty and disease are lording over them.The lordship of Christ is your protection from other lords!  He will never hurt you. Your life will only become sweeter!!


Why do we fear the very thought of surrendering control of our lives to God?


You surrender by making up your mind to do whatever God tells you to do, even if that is not what you feel like or want to do. Make this decision today, and set yourself up for overwhelming victory this year. Do you love God? Do what He commands you to do today.


Ask the Spirit of the Lord to open your understanding to fully grasp the critical importance of abandoning ourselves to the Lord.

Recommended Read: God’s love heals, Brokenness heals

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