Divine Visitations

Through the tender mercy of our God; Whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us (Luke 1:78, KJV)

How does God visit us? Well, it is not hard to understand this if we remember how we visit people naturally! When was the last time you visited someone? How did that occur? Maybe you walked to their home and just spent some time with them. Well, that is what a divine visitation essentially is! It is God coming to spend time with you practically. How does He do that?

There are two significant ways God visits us. The first is a practical encounter with His presence. He visits us by coming to  make  us to have a physical experience of His supernatural presence. Some have experienced this without seeing anything or maybe just heard His voice. Others have seen Him physically, just saw a bright light. 

The second way He visits us is by bringing us not with His presence directly but through His Word that subsequently causes us to have an experience of His presence and power. When His words come to the earth,  a divine visitation is taking place. The ultimate fulfillment of this is seen in the scripture above. Do you know that the coming of Jesus, the Living Word, was God’s visitation of the earth? The verse above says the “Dayspring from on high hath visited us”. There are moments you will encounter God in His Word that will be so strong that you will know something spiritual has transpired. God hath touched you, met you supernatural, or released something in your spirit.

His visitation makes the earth to flourish like the rain! ( Ps. 65:9-10).


Have you ever had a divine visitation with the Presence or through the Word? You can share your experience with us in the comments section below!


God longs to be with us. Be conscious that He can visit you, whether directly through a physical experience of His presence or through the Word.


Pray and ask the Father to visit you with a fresh revelation of His presence and power. 

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