God’s love heals the brokenness in our hearts

For God so loved the world… (Jn. 3:16 KJV)

The two words”loved” and “the world” might appear to have been mistakenly placed next to each other. It is almost as though light was brought close to darkness. Yet the scripture above tells us that “God so loved the world”. Just in case you were not familiar with the term “world” in this text, it does not refer to the planet earth. It refers to the broken, sinful, and rebellious humans that live on it.

Our weaknesses, failures, faults, errors and sins leave us in a very vulnerable place. Do you remember the last time you made a foolish mistake? Our hearts sink, our strength seems to vanish, every sense of worth appears to disappear, whenever we are forced to face the realities of our weaknesses and failures in life. Some people tied down, living out the consequences of a major mistake, and have never been able to get beyond it. Unconditional love shown to us in a vulnerable place is like a glass of fresh cold water in the heat of summer. We fear being rejected when the frailty of our humanity becomes evident to others. We can rest assured in the love of the Father. His love is constant, unchanging, and unconditional. God so loved the world..


Let the Love of God take roots in your heart. Meditate on Jn. 3:16 above. Replace the word “world” with your name. Let this resonate within your heart again.


Thank the Lord for His unmerited, unconditional love for you.


God’s love brings healing, wholeness, and restoration in the deepest parts of our hearts, especially in the lowest moments, when we need it the most. It does not makes us feel better in our brokenness, but it brings healing and restoration. Are you overwhelmed with embarrassment and anger for a poor decision, maybe even a mistake you made just a few days ago? Remember the Lord loves you. His love is the healing balm for your broken, bleeding heart. Receive His love today and get back on your feet, rejoicing and living for Him!

 Recommended Read: The Blessing of forgiveness of sins

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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