Hast Thou Commanded the Morning?
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; And caused the dayspring to know its place (Job 38:12, KJV)

God’s response to Job reveals profound insights into the universe’s creation and operation. He posed a question to Job: had he ever commanded the morning? But what does this entail?
To “command the morning” refers to instructing the morning light or sun to rise punctually every day. The term “command” is quite literal: it signifies instructing or charging the sun to ascend. This action suggests that the sun’s rising and setting occur at God’s Word. The New Testament further confirms this marvelous revelation. For instance, Hebrews 1:3 emphasizes that God’s Word sustains the universe. Similarly, Peter confirms that God’s Word preserves the world (2 Peter 3:7).
Does this suggest God speaks every dawn for the sun’s ascent? Not at all. His words endure, unlike ours. A single utterance from Him possesses eternal potency—the Word of the Lord endures forever! (1 Peter 1:25). Therefore, when God delineated the sea’s boundaries during creation, those edicts eternally sustain and demarcate the sea (Job 38:11).
How does this apply to our lives today? The Lord declares, “I have placed My words in thy mouth” (Isaiah 51:16). In doing so, He empowers us to command our mornings and give divine directions for our days. What a position of control! This is the power of prophecy, so harness this privilege and power. Speak God’s word over your life and daily experiences. It’s not merely Christian jargon. Words spoken from the Spirit by someone filled with God’s Spirit—the believer—frame the universe and our world. So prophesy and command your mornings.
Have you ever guided your day by declaring what it should yield?
Apply the Word
As part of your devotion, prophesy God’s Words daily and take charge of your mornings(and your day). Proclaim, for example, that goodness and mercy shall follow you and that today is a day the Lord has made, and you will rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalms 23:6; 118:24).
Ask the Lord to help you command your mornings.
- How to Prophesy to Dry Bones in Your Life
- Two P’s to Change Any Situation– The Power of Prayer and Prophecy
- The Two Perceptive Arms of the Prophetic
- Prophecy and Prophets in the New Testament
- What is a Devotional?
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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