I will, be thou clean

And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed (Matthew 8:3, KJV)

We began a mini-series yesterday on the will of God. I discussed how important it is for us to know God’s will for our lives. Furthermore, I began discussing the misconceptions we often have about the will of God, as though His will is limited to our ministry callings. The case of the leper in Matt 8 above teaches us that God has a clear will in His heart regarding things in our daily lives, such as healing, protection, etc.

When the leper approached Jesus, unsure if He really wanted to heal Him, Jesus “put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean”. Do you really believe that God wants you well or healed? The leper was convinced about the power at work in Jesus. He was just unsure about His real intentions — “is it really what He wants to do?”. Jesus told him “I will”. How He longs for us today to hear these words and believe who He really is and what He wants for us. One reason why it is critical to know the will of God is that faith requires certainty about God’s will. I have met and heard of believers who are seeking for healing and they are not sure if God wants to heal them or not. What a waste of spiritual efforts! The moment we are unsure if it is what God wants or not, our faith has already had shipwreck. Every prayer we do is nothing other than religious emptiness. It is either God wants you well, and you are forceful to enforce that will or He does not and we just allow the disease to run its course.

Part of the reason for our paralysis in the knowledge of God’s will is that we often fail to make the difference between God’s will for us and our present realities and circumstances. Let me explain this critical truth using the leper above. He was sick with leprosy. It was Jesus’ will to heal him but Jesus was passing by and going His way until the leper interrupted Him. It is not God’s will that a single human being should ever enter into hell but people are going there in droves each day. God’s will is for us to walk in holiness and sanctification, but that is clearly not the case for many of us. In the same way, God wants us healed, but many of us still struggle with disease. The fact that it is the will of God does not mean it will automatically become reality in your life. When God’s will for your life becomes perfectly done, then you are truly in the kingdom of God! The days are coming when the world will become everything God wants it to be. But until then, you have the responsibility to enforce God’s will in your life against all the odds. You have the responsibility to establish God’s kingdom in your life and world.

Jesus is telling you today, “I will”. All the promises in Him are yes and amen. Yes, God wants us well. If we find ourselves sick, we do not start questioning His will. Rather, we enforce that will with the knowledge of His will as a weapon in our hands by making the circumstance bow. Know and believe the will of the Father and actively resist anything in your life that is contrary to that will. Never allow the devil to succeed in getting  you to the place where you question what God really wants because that is a sure place of defeat for us.


Why is it important to know the will of God from the devotional above? Please ensure you reread it again if you have not fully understood it.


God’s will is not spontaneously fulfilled in our lives. It is our responsibility to know it, believe it and demand the circumstances of our life to align to that will because you have got heaven’s backing! Bring your life and the world around you to conform to God’s will against the odds! That is what it means to be a kingdom man or woman!


Ask the Spirit to help you get to the place of fully understanding the will of the Father for your life and to enforce it with all wisdom and authority. 

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