Recognize your season

…And they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” (Lk. 19:44 NAS) The verse above documents what Jesus said to the city of Jerusalem just before He went to the cross. The city was going to face a disaster for one simple reason-the inhabitants did not know the season of their visitation. God visited Jerusalem but the jews did not know it. There are seasons in our lives that are divinely set aside for a special encounter. These seasons do not come every day. They are moments specially designed by God to meet with you in an extraordinary way. The reasons why we might miss recognizing the seasons of divine visitation is that we do not know it was God who showed up. This is called spiritual blindness. The Holy Spirit has come so that we can be sensitive to spiritual things and be able to know the times and the seasons of our lives. Be spiritually sensitive. That is why you pray and stay intimate with God. God will visit your finances. He might visit your relationship or ministry. When the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts 2, Peter said: “this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel”. He recognized the fulfillment of the Word. He recognized when God showed up.


Think about the state of Jerusalem mentioned above-God visited her but the jews did not know. What about you?


Ask God to make you spiritually sensitive to pick up divinely appointed seasons in your life.


There are people you will meet who are not by accident. Recognize destiny encounters from casual friends. There are opportunities that will come your way which are not chance events. If God visited people with all the host of heaven with the glory of His presence, nobody will miss recognizing Him. The issue is that He usually comes in ways that may appear normal, but His Spirit in His children will tell them that what they are seeing or hearing is indeed God. It also keeps them from deception. Learn to be intimate with the Lord in prayer-His secret is with those who love Him!

Recommended Read: Pride Goes Before a Fall

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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