A Total Experience of God by the Word

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God  (1 Corinthians 2:11, KJV)

God wants us to have a total experience of Him, that is, in our spirit, soul, and body.  God is spirit, and interacts with our spirit but He wants every part of us to fully experience Him. Each part of our being experiences God in its own way, based on the “language” it understands. The body  “understands”  the language of the senses, meaning it has to feel, see, hear, taste or smell to experience something. God can make your body experience a spiritual encounter. For example, He can give you the ability to see spiritual things with your physical eyes which is what we call “open visions” meaning you are fully awake and seeing things, but those things are not physical but spiritual.

The soul experiences God through its primary senses or faculties of feeling, thoughts, and will. For example, your soul can experience God’s presence as a tremendous amount of joy. That joy is the language of your soul trying to figure out what is happening in your spirit.

The language of your spirit is knowledge— spiritual knowledge. The scripture above teaches us that the spirit of man knows. This is how God changes our lives through revelation. He gives knowledge to your spirit, and that knowledge becomes feeling, thoughts and will in your soul or bodily experiences in your body or changes in your circumstances! God wants you to have a total experience of Him!


Is it possible to know God in the mind but not have a spiritual experience of what is known? e.g. knowing about power yet not able to break from bondage?


As you grow in the knowledge of God, allow that knowledge to permeate your soul and body as well as every aspect of your life. Remember, knowledge is not God’s goal; it is only a means for Him to bring you to an experience with Him!


Ask the Lord to help you experience Him fully and completely in every way. 

If you missed our Live Bible study entitled “The Language of the Spirit, Soul, and Body,” please listen to it here. 

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